Introducing Lucas At

Lucas is a student with one year left of college. I don’t know why, but he reminds you of a young Sylvester Stalone. Maybe it’s the eyes. He’s a runner, and enjoys playing football and is pretty into his college football team. He was eager to nut so he could watch the kick-off his team. He’s super polite and a very easy guy to talk to. The best word I can find for him is he is pleasant. Very easy going, well-spoke, but you can tell he can turn it up a notch or three. He’s a got a girlfriend that he seems to be pretty into, and appears to be very satisfied with their sex life.

His solo is pretty hot. He’s got a great jack off technique that really shows off his dick, kind of Start Stop approach, like gunning an engine. And this was one of those videos where the guy loved showing off and his dick liked the attention. Enjoy. 

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