Title: Open House – Titan/TitanMen Fresh

Cast: Andre Lopes, David Vanek, Eric Tomfor, Jakub Kostas, Johny Lee, Karlos Armandes, Leo Cooper, Martin Corvin, Thomas Winter 
This Open House will definitely take your mind off the mortgage crisis. Hunky Thomas Winter and Jakub Kostas spend the day looking for a love nest and come across tall dark and handsome real estate agent Karlos Armandes as hes showing a house to a bunch of hot and horny prospective buyers.

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Title: Massive – COLT Studio

Cast: Adam Champ, Darin Hawk, Emilio Estaban, Mickey Gunz, Mitch Branson, Ricky Parks, Sky Woods 
Something BIG has been brewing at COLT, something BIGGER than BIG. COLT Studio Group is Proud to Present MASSIVE, John Rutherford’s latest presentation of hard hitting, powerhouse Man Sex.

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